An Ordinary Anthology


13" × 18.7"

12-page broadsheet newspaper

in collaboration with: City of Boston Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture
filed in: 2022 Print Type Books

A compendium of ordinary, mundane, and just plain random images and words capturing the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 500 files and 5000 words were received from various locations including the states of Massachusetts, California, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Missouri, Indiana, Georgia, and from outside of the US, New Zealand and Japan.

Outside of video and audio content, every word and image was used in some way (though maybe distorted to an unrecognizable degree in some instances).

This project is supported in part by a grant from the Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture and the City of Boston.

an image of the back cover of the ordinary anthology being held in the artist's hand
A scan of the cover of An Ordinary Anthology
A scan of the back cover of An Ordinary Anthology
A scan of pages 4-5 of An Ordinary Anthology
A scan of pages 2-3 of An Ordinary Anthology
A close-up image of the artist reading An Ordinary Anthology. The sun shines through the pages revealing many layers of images overlapped.
A scan of pages 8-9 of An Ordinary Anthology
A scan of pages 6-7 of An Ordinary Anthology
A scan of pages 10-11 of An Ordinary Anthology
An image of An Ordinary Anthology spread out on a table with sunlight cast over it.