
things to be worn






2024 Two Can Share Heaven a kite inspired by a dragon robe, worn by two
2023 Cloud Collar a kite inspired by the traditional Chinese garment yunjian
2023 Sunday, April 2nd 5:13–7:31pm Large cyanotype kite garment flown in the nude at sunrise.
2022 Wearing Winds a garment worn during a meditation that becomes a kite
2022 Four Explorations in Fashion Design The artist wears a hand-dyed rectangular draped top made using itajime block-resist dyeing techniques. Two tops, a pair of shorts, a dress, and something weird I wanted to make!
2022 Untitled (Death Kite) The artist is on a beach flying a kite. The kite does not fly very well. A kite formed by patternmaking blocks fit to the artist's size.
2020 Project Upcycle A model poses with a dress. They are holding up two sides of the dress revealing heels. A bright orange piece sits on top of the black dress. an upcycled gown made from clothes from Goodwill
2020 Pith Three individuals wearing large green tetrapanax papyrifer leaf-inspired dresses three dresses inspired by the tetrapanax papyrifer plant and a poem
2018 , after Julián a black and white photograph hung against a wall with a blue garment draped on it costume inspired by the children's book "Julián is a Mermaid"
2018 wear, wore, worn a front and back view of a jacket hung on a clothes hanger. On both sides, images of a nude person is painted on it. self-portrait painted on made-to-fit muslin
2016 ANDROGYNE A black and white image of a figure at the end of a fashion runway with an audience of people on either side of it. The model's face is obscured by a sequin covered mask and a wears a black and white outfit that exaggerates the bicep and thigh muscle areas of the model. small collection of black and white garments that play with, combine, and deconstruct gender norms