Sunday, April 2nd 5:13–7:31pm
90” × 96” × 12”
Cyanotype on silk and cotton, developed in lakewater, steeped in black tea, feathers, beads, thread, bells, wood, gold, enamel, crystals, copper, brass, ceramic, dirt, flowers, sunlight, sweat, sand, rust, dust, a shivering body, a burning sensation, a desire to be lost
filed in: 2023 Fiber Garments Object Kites
Cycling between kite and garment forms, this work considers the wind as a body to be draped upon. Starting with abstract tracings of clouds and raindrops, garment patterns were developed and manipulated to make way for the artist’s head, torso, arms, and legs. The garment was then dyed with photosensitive chemicals, such that a record of the artist’s body developed on the kite’s surface as it was worn outdoors in a long exposure. This garment was worn in a 4-mile walk from the artist's home to North Avenue Beach. As the sun began to set, the artist walked directly into Lake Michigan as a way of fixing the cyanotype on to the garment.